Seven people, including Mr. Haren Patel, the Managing Director of Pee Cola Limited, were arrested on Thursday by the police following an assault upon residents of Agbogloshie, near the Accra Brewery.
Yes it is a real brand!
Those arrested were an unlikely gang whose ages ranged between 20 and 55 years but were found to be in possession of a number of weapons including two pistols, live ammutions and knives. The gang claim to have been hired by Mr Patel to protect a disputed area of land on his behalf.
The gang believe they were employed to protect Mr Patels interests in the land by scaring people away or if that failed by attacking and harrassing people. They found and and attacked twenty seven year old Andrews Cobbina, a car parts dealer at Abossey Okai, who was returning from work. Mr Cobbina, has been admitted to the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, with cutlass wounds following the assaults on him by Patel’s thugs.
It is just possible somone is taking the pee!
It is just possible somone is taking the pee!
in association with CORK MONKEY
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